Friday, December 4, 2009

Path not chosen....

Sometimes it is only enough to know,
The lanes we donot want to tread,
And sometimes knowing that alone,
Would lead you to the road,
That you should call your own.

Sometimes it is easier to figure out,
Of Thousands of things, what not to do,
Particularly so, when rattling brains,
And convincing self, what all to do.

And by this golden rule of elimination,
Great Choices are made, and great decisions,
Enough only to know, and have good clues,
About paths, you would never choose.

1 comment:

  1. wow...damn good...but yaar..even i tend to choose the path less chosen... but till now nothing great has happened :(


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I am "Unique"!And I am loved and hated for that in all possible ways!
